Minggu, Juni 30, 2013

The Impact of the Habit of Using the Headset of The Ear

Today People are spoiled  With existing technology facilities. In terms of entertainment, people can use a computer, laptop and Handphone  to entertain their selves such as listening music, watching  movies playing Game etc.  In using such technologies  are usually requred enhancements , in computer terms which is called peripheral devices such as headset, loudspeaker, CD ROOM , mouse computer  device to support the facilities.  Headset is the devices that can be used for computer , laptop and handphone.  By using headset people can listen freely an focusly. Able to listen to any level of volume or anything sound, without disturb privacy individual. But people sometimes forget when the sound of the headset are too loud, they do not realized the impact of the use of the haeadset on their ear. With frequent use the headset without realizing they are damaging ing hearing.

          a study that be donebyresearchers from thenineCommittee onEmergingandNewlyIdentifiedRiskscelebrationmentions that the use ofa headsetandplayingmusicout loudeverydayfor fiveyears cancausepermanent damageand problemsear disorderthat can not becured. The statement that has correlation with  this  be delivered by to Dr Ronny Suwento, Sp THT from departeent of Telinga Hidung dan Tenggorokan (THT) RSCM, Jakarta,he said that  strong vibrations caused by loud sound waves will damage their hair cells in the cochlea of the inner ear.

From the quotation above ,As we know that the people often used the facilities of techology such as  computer,laptop or hand phone.In using such technologies  are usually requred additional devices , in computer terms which is called peripheral devices such as headset, loudspeaker, CD ROOM , mouse computer  device to support the facilities.  Headset is the devices that can be used for computer , laptop and handphone.  By using headset people can listen freely an focusly. Able to listen to any level of volume or anything sound, without disturb privacy individual. But people sometimes forget when the sound of the headset are too loud, they do not realized the impact of the use of the haeadset on their ear. With frequent use the headset without realizing they are damaging ing hearing and it happened many times.

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